"The Passion of Christ" - A 40 day Lenten meditation series based on Isaiah 52:13-53:12 by Tom Duckworth is now available.
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This daily meditation series is intended to help you re-examine your own life and lifestyle while seeking a closer relationship with Jesus. The series is based on the words of the Prophet Isaiah found in Isaiah 52 and 53. It is not an attempt to explain the meaning of the scriptures. It is to help you find a theme or thought on which you may contemplate throughout that day.
These short meditations are numbered, not dated, so you may reuse this in the future. The Lenten season does not count Sundays in its 40 day duration, as Sundays are days of worship. Read and reflect on these meditations Monday through Saturday, and worship on Sunday. Lent ends at Easter, when Jesus was resurrected from the dead.